The Casies are XDA’s internal awards competition and culture celebration that recognizes great work, storytelling, and collaborative spirit. Over the past year, teams submitted their project case studies for entry and in December, the entire staff voted on their favorites across 3 categories: Corporate but Cool (Best B2B), Fan Fave (Best B2C), and The X Award (Best Full-Team Collaboration). In honor of our 25th birthday, we added Superlatives to celebrate the unique strengths of the staff, which will stay on as a permanent fixture of the Casies.
Pre-show vibes
What’s a celebration without some tasty snacks and something bubbly? We sent a kit of goodies to everyone on the team coast to coast, so we could all get in the festive spirit.

The team delivered on our silver-anniversary spirit to wrap our 25th year in a shiny bow.
And then… the winners were announced…

New this year are our Superlatives, an extra special way to celebrate all the cool and quirky strengths of our team, each voted in by the rest of the agency. Check ’em out.